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Interested Working with You Building Alliances that are Vintage Values Lifestyle

  • Alliance funds women’s business awards during the year.  Considered for all these awards, you only need apply ONCE for the Alliance Award.  You’ll then be considered for all of the awards for which you’re eligible. The only place to apply for our awards is on this website. You can see the list of all of our awards here

  • It’s a simple, straightforward process. The Alliance Team reviews/evaluates grant applications daily and selects monthly finalists for our 4 months selection. Of these, one will be selected. We do the next four months and have three selected for the annual grant.

    The more you have entered, the more chances you have for the $125 themed Work grants in addition to the $500 Alliance scholarship, that you may also win for a total of $1000 awarded to any one or four people.

    We discuss each selection and vote to determine a winner. The $500 and themed monthly grant winners are announced by the third week in December. This news goes public via our website and our email list. If you’ve applied, you’ve automatically been added to our email list.

    All businesses selected for one of the three themed monthly $125 grants are automatically eligible for our year-end Alliance Scholarship ($500).  While considering Voting results, updates from the monthly winners and other factors, we select the $500 winner in December and announced in January.


    How long has the Alliance Scholarship been?

    The scholarship is new. This site is developed by clinicians who have been empowering women for years with building alliances as a healing technique and today, is empowering women who’d like aligning in projects, work, and business as empowerment.

    Like the women building Alliances, we are building the Scholarships. We’re a smaller company and as we grow, we are hoping the Scholarships grow also. We are glad you are growing with us.

    How do you select grant winners, and when is it announced?

    It’s a simple, straightforward process. The Alliance Team reviews/evaluates applications daily and selects monthly finalists for our 3 monthly $166 grants. We look at each finalist and vote to find a winner. The $500 monthly award winners and the three (A Who Am I Award, and Vintage Values Award, Business Specific Grant) are announced by the 21st of the FOLLOWING month. This news goes public via our website and our email list. If you’ve applied, you’ve automatically been added to our email list.

    All projects selected for one of the three 4 monthly $166 awards are automatically eligible for our three year-end I AM Grant ($500). While considering Voting results, updates from the 3 monthly winners and other factors, we select the three (3) $166 winners in December and announced in January.

    What other grants do you award, and how do I apply?

    We fund women who value vintage manners during the year. To be considered for all these, you only need to apply ONCE for the WHO AM I. You’ll then be considered for all of the grants for which you’re eligible. The only place to apply for our grants is on this website. You can see the list of all of our grants right here.

    Am I eligible to apply for a grant?

    As long as you’re a woman who is 18 years or older, your values are 50% women vintage, and in the United States or Canada — you’re eligible to apply.

    How am I eligible?

    You may have influencers like memorabilia or images of vintage lifestyle philosophy and are eligible.

    If I haven't started my business yet, am I eligible to apply?

    Yes! This is about lifestyle. We do have an award for coaches who like tutoring and may apply for the Business Alliances award that involves a 3-5 year program. This is for women just like you. We give this grant to pre-revenue business entrepreneurs who are new clinician licensees or coaches a chance to work with seasoned clinicians who can tutor.

    How do I apply for the different monthly grants?

    We made the application process super simple. Just answer a two-question application and you’re automatically considered for any and all of the three grants that apply to you or your business.

    When is the deadline to submit my application?

    The deadline is the last day of each month at 11:59:59 pm Eastern Time. Just keep in mind that our three $10,000 grants run monthly. The year-end grants are $25,000 and will be awarded to one of the 12 monthly recipients in December.

    How do I know that you've received my application?

    Once we receive your application, we’ll send an email confirmation. This email contains information on the process and a link to our exclusive marketing guide. Be sure to check your spam if you don’t see the email within a short time.

    Who selects the grant winners?

    Our Advisory Board.

    What criteria do you use to select a grant winner?

    1. Your story. We’re looking for qualities like vintage values learned and with whom, how you do this with your present family, and if you have a savvy, and vision for how to live life and or work with the values you grew up with and your present family. Women who believe in what they’re doing tend to make us believers, too.

    2. Plans for growing/starting your business. We’re not looking for a formal business plan. Just some explanation of how you’ll achieve business success. It might include some mention of your vision, your team, the things you do now and things you are planning.

    3. Plans for the grant money. Tell us how you would invest the money if you won. Be as detailed as you can.

    You can view application tips here as well as sample feedback on many applications on our blog.

    What types of winners do you select?

    Grant winners aren’t limited to any “type” of family or family business. We look with a focus on everything such as sunscreen to literacy programs. You can view our past recipients here.

    If I apply for one month and don’t receive a grant, am I automatically enrolled for the next month?

    Since the grants run on a month-to-month basis, applications for the $167 do not roll forward. The exception is if your business is into any of our business-specific categories. Your application will be considered for each of those categories — you can be eligible for multiple opportunities to win a grant with one application. You can read about all of our grants.

    May I reapply? When?

    Yes, or you may have continued enrollment that is then the Certificate program. The certificate pads your resume with instant cred for your vintage lifestyle and philosophy. You are aligned with those who have similar values. You are now have the privilege of being in the pool with your original application.

    Our system will not allow a second application with the same email within 3 months. Beyond that, you can re-apply through the same application page.

    Do I need a website to apply?

    You don’t. However, it’s very helpful if you provide a social media profile with your vintage values lifestyle— ideally Facebook.

    Why do you charge an application fee? Do you charge additional fees if I'm awarded a grant?

    The fee makes the grant and operation of the site — including reviewing each application, much like a college application — possible. The nominal $35 application fee is the only fee we charge. We don’t charge additional fees if you are awarded a grant. If you would like us to consider waiving your application fee, you may request this.

    Can I receive feedback on my application?

    We do not provide individual feedback on applications. We do, however, offer articles for how to have the perfect family and lifestyle philosophy with lunch and golf companions and things like that on our blog ».

    What are your social media accounts?

  • Yes.

  • When the application is received, we’ll send an email confirmation. Be sure to check your spam if you don’t see the email within a short time.

  • The last day of each months April, August, December at 11:59:59 pm. Our three $100 grants run monthly (4). The year-end grant is $500 and will be awarded to one of the monthly recipients in December.

  • Yes, you may apply for the 12 cycles, or til you have been selected for the money. Most like the convenience of this.

    You may stop the billing cycle when you wish by messaging and reapply when you wish.

    You can reapply with the application page.

  • Since the awards accrue on a monthly basis, applications for the $500 Alliance Award do not roll forward. The exception is if you enrolled for continuous selections (you decide how many months to continue applying and may reenroll) and you fit into any of the theme categories. Your application will be considered for each of those themes, and you can be eligible for more chances for money with one application.

  • Your choice. It’s very helpful if you provide a social media profile with your company such as Facebook such as beautyandwealth@

  • Of course. Our monthly theme awards are for women like you.  We give this award to pre-revenue businesses.

  • As a woman who is 18 years or more, your business is 50% women owned, and is running in the United States or Canada you’re eligible for apply.

    We look for who is interested in alliance building.

  • The application process is simple and you’re automatically considered for any and all of the three awards themes during those months.

  • The Refraiche website works with the Alliance awards and oversees the selection process.

  • We’re looking for alignment with the alliance qualities you have (cultural competency and strengths listed on the blog) and are building with businesses and customers. Women who apply are building an alliance with us and that is what we are modeling.

    Plans for growing your business. We’re looking for more than a business plan or explanation of achieving business plans. You have some alliances with whom you plan building more with.

    Plans for the money, if you won. Be as detailed as you can.

    You can view application tips here from scholarly sources for what is helpful.

  •  Types of businesses are unlimited. Looking for all kinds who’ll receive awards with things like entrepreneurs and food tasters.

  • The fee is for the award and processing the award of the site, covering all things such as reviewing each application, like any application.

    Allow the billing cycle for the month(s) of the award(s) you are applying for, when you win, you may cancel processing. We suggest you copy/paste the application, so the process is easier.

    We don’t have additional fees if you are selected for the award. If you would like consider for waiving half the application fees if applying the whole cycle of 12, message us.

  • Articles are available such as cultural relevancy, values, and strengths. You may find these in the blog. If you have a request for things such as cultural relevance, these could be sent or in the blog.

  • Thankyou.